These video advertising trends will dominate 2017!

There’s no doubt that video advertising is one of the hottest topics of the moment, as more and more brands are relying on it, considering its ability to reach an impressive number of users, especially through mobile platforms. Even more, according to Forbes, citing a prediction made by Cisco, until 2020, over 80% of internet traffic will be video.

But 2020 is still a bit far, so we’re looking forward to 2017, a year which should mark an increase in video ad spend with 31%! Should we mention that all advertisers should at least consider video advertising when building their strategy? Yeah, thought so.

Speaking about strategy, let’s talk a bit about some of the hottest trends for next year!

Social media is the future!

No, not generally speaking, because in this case we’re already living in the future. If you want to reach tons of users with your video ad, social networks are the spots on which you should focus. Everybody is there, as people are relying more and more on social media for news and information, not to mention that a big part of the content consumed in these environments in video.

Optimize for mobile

We all know that mobile video is one of the fastest growing ad formats, but advertisers aren’t exploring it to the max yet. In 2017, mobile video advertising will become way more affordable, so smaller businesses will find it more attractive, not to mention that further technological advances will, most likely, introduce more engaging and creative ways of advertising.

VR and AR to become mainstream? Totally!

Virtual and augmented reality were some of the hottest things of 2016, with products such as Google Cardboard and other headsets allowing basically everybody to experience them. Right now, YouTube is offering 360-degree ads and it won’t be long until other platforms will follow their example, so until December 2017, such ads will be considered something usual.