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CybrHome Member since Dec 2017
CybrHome is an internet knowledge base (like Wikipedia) for curated lists.
People use CybrHome to explore top sites, blogs, apps or software for a given purpose/topic.
We can give advertisers brand exposure, feature them and send them high quality traffic as our portal is all about content discovery and internet exploration.
We have hundreds of topics on CybrHome (like you see on Quora/Reddit) so we can place highly targeted ads for you on certain topics or pages. For example, you can also tell us exact topics where we should feature your site, for example we can feature your site on all 'Startup' related topics or on all 'Programming' related topics, or if you want we can feature you sitewide including the homepage.
We get global traffic from organic search and we've seen our content go viral on Facebook, Quora, Reddit and Hacker News.
We're now close to 100k pageviews and are growing.
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