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361,000 est. monthly impressions
34,749 Alexa Rank
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popimed URL Shortener Member since Feb 2019
popimed is a URL Shortener website where advertisers create ad campaigns and publishers earn money by shortening links. Advertisements are displayed to visitors before redirecting shortlink to the actual URL. Publishers earn money by sharing shortlink URLs and attracting visitors to popimed. Visitors are mostly interested in cryptocoins & earning online opportunities.
Advertise on popimed URL Shortener
728x90 Banner Shortlink Page
728 x 90 - 728x90 Banner Shortlink Page
Est. Impressions
6 / 8
Per 30 Days
Some ad slots are not shown - they do not have enough impressions.
Your ad may rotate with other ads in the zone. Ad impressions are served equally between all ads.
Once approved, your ad will be live until all bought impressions are served or for 30 days. Ads are automatically renewed unless cancelled.