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Music Promotion Specialists Member since Mar 2019
Do you want brand exposure on a website aimed for acoustic engineering, sound design, entertainment industry, music promotion, electronic music, recording studio design?
Well you have reached the right place. With an avergae Alexa rank of top 30,000 US / 300,000 globally, your brand will get great exposure.
We are not an AD farm and so we only have minimal ad space available.
This maximizes your ROI because your ad will not get lost and buried in competition.
You can choose from various ad segments:
Homepage: just 2 banner type ads available
Footer: 3 footer ads available that will show on every page of the website. These are great to reach visitors on whatever page they land. As they browse through the site, they will also see your ad repeatedly on every page.
Ad slots may take up to an hour to first show.