Welcome to SwiftAds

by AdClerks

Make money by monetizing your unsold ad zone

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How it works

SwiftAds instantly monetizes your unsold ad zones while still making them available to purchase from the AdClerks marketplace. It really couldn't be easier!

  • SwiftAds fills 100% of your unsold ad zones
  • Ad zone is still available to buy from AdClerks
  • Earnings are credited to your AdClerks account
  • CPM rates up to $1.00 across different GEOs
  • All ad zones are auto opted-in for SwiftAds

Earnings on autopilot

Instantly monetizes unsold ad space. You don't need to do a thing - we manage everything.

Your monthly and CPM ad space can still be bought from our marketplace. SwiftAds maximises your earning potential.

Create adverts

Quality advertisers

SwiftAds will automatically fill your unsold ad space with top advertisers including leading brands.

Ads include programmatic display family-friendly ads generating CPM revenue .

One click set up

Create a valid ad zone (or edit an existing zone) on AdClerks and click the SwiftAds opt in button. That's all you need to do.

Once we've approved your zone, SwiftAds will automatically monetize your unsold ad zone.

Publishers all over the world are making money using SwiftAds

Existing publishers

Get started with SwiftAds

Request to opt-in: SwiftAds

New publishers

Time to make some money

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