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46,000 est. monthly impressions
1,512,409 Alexa Rank
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Recorded stats over the last 7 days
The 100 Meter Scroll Member since Jul 2019
Are you the fastest scroller in the world?
So far more than 4 million have been playing our web game. It's been shared on many websites (generating traffic), in TV shows and a bunch of Youtube videos.
Stats from April 2019:
41.000 unique visitors per month.
58.000 visitors per month.
Average time on site: 33 seconds.
Advertise on The 100 Meter Scroll
Main ad (left side of game)
160 x 600 - Center Left
Est. Impressions
1 / 1
Per 30 Days
Your ad may rotate with other ads in the zone. Ad impressions are served equally between all ads.
Once approved, your ad will be live until all bought impressions are served or for 30 days. Ads are automatically renewed unless cancelled.