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Recorded stats over the last 7 days
Front Page Metrics Member since Feb 2021
FrontPageMetrics (formerly RedditMetrics) is a tracking tool for subreddits on social news aggregation Reddit . We provide daily updated subscriber counts for all new and existing subreddits, as well as other detailed metrics including daily active users, trending subreddits, subreddit ranks and more. We have no affiliation with Reddit.
Top Affinity Categories per Google Analytics:
1. Media & Entertainment/Movie Lovers
2. Technology/Technophiles
3. Media & Entertainment/Gamers
4. Media & Entertainment/Music Lovers
5. Shoppers/Value Shoppers
6. Food & Dining/Fast Food Cravers
7. Sports & Fitness/Sports Fans
8. Media & Entertainment/Light TV Viewers
9. Shoppers/Luxury Shoppers
10. Vehicles & Transportation/Auto Enthusiasts
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